
Whatsapp icon notification
Whatsapp icon notification

whatsapp icon notification

Reasons: WhatsApp Notifications Not Showing on Smartphones.This will delete all Chats, Messages, Videos and Data associated with the WhatsApp group that you are no longer interested in. From the pop-up select All Messages from the list and tap on Clear. On the Group window, tap on the 3 dot icon located at the top right corner of your screen.ĥ. Tap on the WhatsApp Group that you want to delete data from.Ģ. Delete WhatsApp Group Messages and Data on Androidġ.

whatsapp icon notification

This will delete all your Chats, Messages, Videos and Data associated with the WhatsApp group. You will see a pop-up menu, tap on Clear Chat You will now see two options: More and Archive. Now, swipe left on the WhatsApp group that you want to delete the data from.Ĥ. Now that you are no longer interested in the Group activities, you may want to delete all Group Messages, images, videos and data that is taking up valuable storage space on your phone.Ģ. On the Chats screen, locate the WhatsApp Group that you want to delete the messages and data from.ģ. Tap on OK to disable notifications for a period of 1 Year. On the next screen, un-check Show Notifications and Select 1 Year from the list of options.Ħ. From the drop-down menu, tap on Mute (See image below).ĥ. On the WhatsApp Group window, tap on the 3 dot icon from the top right of your screen (See image below).Ĥ. Tap on the WhatsApp Group that you want to leave.ģ. Open WhatsApp on your Android phone or tablet.Ģ. Turn Off WhatsApp Notifications on Android Phoneįollow the steps below to Turn Off or disable WhatsApp Group notifications on your Android phone or tablet.ġ. This way you will not be bothered with Group Notifications for a long period and no one in the Group will know that you have left the Group.

Whatsapp icon notification